Our bodies were not designed to process chemicals - they were designed to work with nature! Our products aim to get to the root of the problem rather than just treating symptoms. If we don’t have a product for what ails you, let us know - we would love to create it for you!
Everything is energy and how we consciously interact with that energy plays a key role in shaping our reality. By reaching deeper states of consciousness, we unlock the ability to affect change in our lives. By working in the quantum field, change is affected on an energetic level. This is a deep, profound change that promotes vitality and well being, leading you home to yourself.
When we are in tune with our body, it tells us what it needs. When we are in tune with our soul, it also tells us what it needs. We don’t need anyone outside of us to tell us how to live happy, healthy lives. We simply need to connect to the innate knowledge that lies within each and every one of us. The more we listen to the voice within, the easier it becomes to establish healthy physical, emotional, and spiritual habits.
The most challenging part of this process is acknowledging, feeling, and releasing the programming and trauma that led you to poor health and unhappiness in the first place. It is imperative that you have a safe space to do this, and appropriate help when you need it. I have walked many stretches of this path alone, without safe spaces, causing a great deal of pain & confusion. I would say unnecessary pain, however it was through this pain that I found my purpose. To hold space & provide energetic/spiritual assistance & guidance to my brothers and sisters as they traverse the uncharted waters within.
My method includes first and foremost utilizing my connection to spirit to channel healing energy and helpful information specific to you. I also use light language, sound & vibrational healing, crystals, oracle cards, meditation and teach spiritual/energetic hygiene and practice. I have learned many healing modalities including quantum touch, emotional freedom tapping, chakra balancing and alignment, constellations, aromatherapy, shamanism and am a certified Reiki II practitioner. I incorporate parts and pieces of all of these and more in my work.
The divine light of creation that flows through me enables me to clear energies that are not in alignment with your highest good and infuse your body, mind, and soul with high vibrational healing energy. This energy will awaken your self healing, connect you to your higher guidance & promote overall well being. Allow me to empower you to embody your pure soul essence, speak your truth with loving kindness, and live a life worth loving.
My life has not been easy, nor has it been fun. After a miserable childhood, feeling misunderstood & out of place, close to two decades of chronic pain, depression & opiate addiction, I discovered my path to wellness. It was through various spiritual/energetic healings & education, meditation & holistic remedies that I found health & happiness. It is a conscious choice to live a life worth loving. What do you choose?